Rhonda's Spicey Mango Chutney

Q1 Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.

An XML sitemap is a file that lists a websites key information. The XML sitemap enables search engines to understand the website structure. This helps the search engine to find and crawl them.
A HTML sitemap can be described as a well organised table of contents. A sitemap will include every page on the website.
HTML sitemap contains more detail of the website and XML caters more for search engines. Since HTML sitemap is designed for humans for navigation purpose only, it cannot update automatically. On the other hand, an XML sitemap is designed for search engines and can be updated automatically by setting up an update frequency.
Benefits of using XML sitemap
• Compatible with Java
• List all URL’s from your site
Benefits of using a HTML sitemap
• HTML is widely and easy to use
• Supported by every browser
Disadvantage of XML sitemap
• Can become dated quickly as search engines evolve quickly
• Can be lenghty and the XML file size is very large
Disadvantage of a HTML sitempap
• A lot of code is required to make a simple webpage
• Seucirty features are not very good

Q2 Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

IDE’s is software that brings together basic tools required to write and test software.

• Visual studio is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. If you prefer working with Microsoft products then this is the right tool. Being new to code development this might be more suitable as you are used to working with Microsoft. But the vast functionality also brings huge size both in the disk and main memory, which contributes to the slowness. Being an entry level code developer you may not have access to large amounts of storage space this could cause issues with saving and trying to access your work.

• Eclips is used in computer programming, and in 2014 was the most widely used Java IDE in one website's poll. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. But The problem with the Eclipse IDE is that the tools occasionally hang and the support for dark themes is inadequate. Being an entry level code developer this might result in delays and errors with your work.

• NetBeans is an opensource, freely available development environment, used to develop desktop application, web application and mobile application this IDE support various languages and framework it provides inbuilt functionality which added a new feature and make it more compatible to the programmer for developing the application. But NetBeans has some Outdated framework support and the issue with NetBeans is that it takes a lot of time to load and consumes a lot of memory. This IDE would be suitable for entry level coder as its easy to use and is free, this could be more suitable for a trainee on a low income.

Q3 Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

The first web browser, Worldwide Web and was developed in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. Web development is the work involved with developing a website for the Internet. The growth of web development is driven by businesses wanting to utilise their site to advertise and sell products to customers. Over time this demand has increased and allowed business to reach consumers and audiences beyond that of a radio or TV ad. One of the issues experienced by web developers is moving with the times and staying relevant with your skills, the industry and technology available. For example, over time requirements for development has increased as technology has evolved as 40 years ago smart phone apps and social media was not around of commonly used.
Web standards have also come a long way as the web is not only used by a small group of the community it is used by millions of people around the world with different requirements. Web Standards have evolved over time to allow people with a vision or hearing impairment use a website and have the same experience or obtain the same information as to someone who doesn’t have a vision or hearing difficulties. Web standards consist of technical documents also known as specifications which detail how technology should work. Developers that don’t follow web standards could cost them their reputation or income. When web standards were first introduced web developers were forced to deal with increasing levels of confusion when trying to build web sites as technical documents would change depending on the browsers you would use.

Q4 What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.

Website testing methodologies key purpose is to allow you to test the websites and apps for their quality and fucntion. Some different types of testing methodoloiges can include functional and non fucntional, security and usablity testing are a few to name.
Browser compatiblity is critical for usablity of the website, web applicatoin, script etc need to work on different web browsder avilable in the market. The benefit of having web browers compatiablity is that it improves the websites reach and can reduce loss in performance. You can test broswer compatitliblity or purchase a tool to do this automatically.
Website functionality is improatant and depending on your website some essential areas can include its responsiveness, page quliaty and easy navigation. Like browser compatiblaity you can also test this manually or use tools to do this. Testing manually would involve steps like having a test plan, test cases and reviewing the cases outcome.

Q5 What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

The NT Government aims to have all of its websites and content meet the WCAG 2.0 Level AA complicance. Requirements structure the overall framework of guidelines and ensure backwards compatibility. The Commonwealth Government has also determeind that all their sites must meet the W3C accessibility standards.

Q6 How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

Using an asset library for your webpage will help you to centralize things like photos, logos, music files, docuemnts and animations. Some good ways to do this would be to create a folder structure, correctly label files to easily identifiy them with key words, include file version numbers to keep track of your work as you make changes or update, keep file numbers down by saving different version of file either a low or high resoltion.